DAN First-Aid Programs
Help prepare divers to respond to real world emergencies.
Whether it is being on the scene of an accident or witnessing a health-related emergency, most people will be involved in
a crisis situation at some point in their lives. Are you prepared to help? Do you have the skills to respond quickly?
Developed by medical experts, DAN’s courses are easy to understand and designed to provide you with the skills and
confidence you need to respond in emergency situations. DAN first aid courses prepare divers to manage injuries related
to scuba diving. All courses meet the ILCOR and AHA 2015 guidelines. The training can also extend to other environments.
Isn’t it worth a few hours one evening or weekend to learn the skills that could save a life?
Diver Education
The first step in being prepared to handle a diving emergency is education. DAN courses teach you the first aid steps to
care for an injured diver and interact with medical professionals.
Health-Care Providers
Whether you are a medic in the field or a physician, DAN Education has programs to help you gain a better understanding
of dive medicine and how to respond to a dive emergency within your scope of practice.
Prepared Diver
Prepared Diver is a multimedia learning program for students and new divers that details proper diving behaviors
and safe diving procedures. This class for FREE with all Basic Scuba, Scuba Diver and Open Water Courses.
Basic Life Support: CPR and First Aid v2.1
Learn to respond to life-threatening conditions until professional medical care is available. (revised December 2017)
Meets ILCOR/AHA 2015 Guidelines
Manage shock and choking
Assess injuries.
5 Hours
CPR Health Care Provider with First Aid v2.1
Learn one- and two-person CPR for adults, children and infants. (revised December 2017)
1 and 2 person CPR
Child and infant CPR
Obstructed-airway techniques
Suctioning techniques
8 Hours
Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries v2.1
Learn the essential skill of administering oxygen first aid as an initial response for diving injuries. (revised December 2017)
Primary diving first aid
Learn oxygen delivery options
Provide oxygen to breathing or non-breathing injured divers
4-5 hours
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries v2.1
Learn to identify and avoid hazardous marine life and how to respond to injuries should they occur. (revised January 2018)
Identify hazardous marine life
Practice treating injuries
Gain tools to avoid injuries
5 Hours
Neurological Assessment v2.1
Learn to recognize key signs and evaluate an individual with a suspected neurological injury. (revised January 2018)
Recognize nervous system injury
Learn assessment techniques
Uncover subtle changes
F-A-S-T Assessment
4 Hours
Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) v2.1
The Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) program combines skills from four first-aid courses...
Develop CPR skills
Provide oxygen first aid
Conduct neurological assessment
Treat injuries from marine life
16 Hours
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers v2.1
The Diving First Aid for Professional Divers (DFA Pro) course is aimed at commercial, professional,...
Ideal for Commercial Divers
Meets OSHA Guidelines
Covers bloodborne pathogens
Advanced oxygen and CPR
16 Hours